Brown's Feeds provides a wide range of stock products and formulas available for calves, heifers, dry cows, and lactating cows to meet the needs of the animals and the goals of the producer. In addition, custom ration formulation, including amino acid and metabolizable protein balancing are available.

Here at Brown's, we believe in giving the future of your herd a strong foundation with high quality milk replacer and high performance starters that complement each other in a complete feeding program. Our milk replacer line up features three different products and gives you the flexibility to choose a conventional or accelerated program. Our milk replacers are low-ash, whey protein based, and formulated to meet the demanding growth requirements of calves. For our brochure on milk replacers, click here
Getting calves started on grain early is critical to ensure optimal rumen development. We offer multiple calf starters and post-weaning feeds. Our Calf Cox Guard is our 20% protein calf starter formulated with Bovatec. Our Calf Cox Guard is designed to be fed from 3 days of age on. Our Grow-N-Glow is a 16% protein feed also formulated with Bovatec to help control coccidiosis and is designed to be fed from two to approximately five months. Our Wean & Grow is an 18% protein feed formulated with Corid for coccidiosis control. These coarse textured feeds are palatable and formulated for optimal starter intake. The high starch encourages rumen papillae development, allowing for enhanced nutrient absorption and calf growth.
Our pelleted calf feed line up includes our 20 Fas-Start, 16 Fas-Gro and our Nutri-Blend pellet. Our 20 Fas Start pellet (bulk only) is 20% protein and formulated with Rumensin to coccidiosis control. Our 16 Fas Grow pellet (bulk only) is a 16% protein and also formulated with Rumensin. Our Nutri-Blend pellet is non-medicated, high protein. and designed to be mixed with on farm shelled corn and oats to create an ideal calf starter or calf grower feed. Contact us for a total balanced program using Nutri-blend.

Providing balanced nutritional support to heifers is important to promote frame growth, reproductive readiness, and fetal development. Our heifer feeds can fit a number of feeding programs; complete feeds, protein supplements, or mineral supplements are available as meals or coarse-textured feeds. Our Fitting Ration is a 14% unmedicated, course textured feed designed to be fed from 6 months of age up to 1st calving of your heifer. Our 16 Top Heifer B is a 16% protein coarse textured feed designed to be used for growing out heifers from 6 months of age up to their first calf. This feed contains Bovatec to help with coccidiosis control. Our 40 Hef-R-B 300 is a 40% Protein concentrate meal formulated with Bovatec for coccidiosis control. This feed is designed to be fed at 1-1.5 pounds per animal per day along with home grown grains and forages. Our B Booster 1440 is a concentrated mineral supplement containing Bovatec for coccidiosis control. Designed to be fed with farm raised grains to provide complete mineral fortification of your feed. This feed's feeding rate is 1/4-1/3 pound per animal per day.
Dry Cows
A well-managed dry period is key to preparing your cows to freshen smoothly and minimize transition cow stress. Our dry cow feeding programs help to ensure that a normal, well-grown calf is born. The goal of our dry cow programs is to have cows hold or slightly gain body weight during the dry period and calve in and clean completely. Dietary cation anion difference (DCAD) is a focus of our dry cow programs in addition to managing cows to minimize ketosis, displaced abomasums, and hypocalcemia. Cows that experience fewer transition cow disorders will reach and hold peak milk production more quickly and be able to breed back in a timely manner. We want to help you achieve a dry cow program that promotes optimal dry cow health! Our selection includes three complete dry cow feeds and a mineral supplement to provide flexibility to meet the needs of your farm in addition to custom formulations.
Our 30 DC Balancer Pellet is a 30% protein pellet designed to be fed at 2-2.5 pounds per animal per day, alongside 20 pounds of corn silage and free choice grass hay. This pellet is a cornerstone of successful dry cow programs! Our Stay Fresh Start Right Pellet is a 14% protein pellet that aids in the prevention of ketosis and gives your fresh cows the extra boost they need to start their lactation right. This feed is designed to be fed at 4 lbs. per head daily for 3 weeks prior to calving and 6 lbs. daily 2-3 weeks post-calving. Our Fitting Ration is a 14% protein coarse textured feed that can be used for your cows during her dry period prior to calving. The feeding rate for dry cows on this feed is 4 to 6 pounds per animal per day, depending upon body condition. Starting at 2 weeks before freshening, gradually increase feed up to a maximum of 12 to 14 pounds per animal per day by freshening. Our DC fortifier mineral is designed to be fed at .5 pounds per animal per day with farm raised grains or soybean meal to provide complete vitamin and mineral fortification of your dry cow diet.
In addition, we offer Reashure®, the rumen protected B vitamin choline, to prevent ketosis and other metabolic diseases. Reashure® acts through the liver to help regulate fat metabolism and ease the transition of recently fresh cows.

Lactating Cows
We know you have goals for your herd and we'd like to help you get there. Brown's works with many types of herds; pasture-based, tie-stall, free stall, and robotic herds. We provide these herds with many different feeding strategies; component fed, total mixed ration (TMR), and partial TMR. We understand that your operation is unique and we think your feeding program should be too. We offer a variety of stock products that can be adapted to match a variety of forages. Our 16 Royal is a 16% protein course textured feed that will keep your cows producing, and can be used as a sole grain source alongside hay or pasture. Our 38 Milk Master is a 38% protein concentrate meal to be fed with corn to provided extra protein and minerals your cows need for optimal milk production. Our 24 Amino +C is a 24% protein top dress coarse textured feed containing high quality protein, energy, and cotton seed to give your high producing cows the boost they need to maximize production.
We also offer free nutritional consulting and custom ration formulation. Custom ration formulation gives an extra range of flexibility for matching on-farm forages and modifying the dairy meal or pellet with the specific feed ingredients you feel are important. In addition, we also offer amino acid and metabolizable protein balanced rations. These rations focus on meeting the individual amino acid needs (lysine and methionine) of high performing cows to optimize milk production.